Tibetan Buddhist Society Melbourne
Peaceful Land of Joy Meditation Centre
Vajrayogini Sessions – Mondays 7.30pm – 9pm
These Vajrayogini practice sessions are for students who have received empowerment, and include sadhana practice, Wheel of Offering (tsog) practice, instructions and guided meditation in the Melbourne Tibetan temple. Geshe Acharya Thubten Loden’s commentary on the practice titled Path to the Union of Clear Light and Illusory Body provides the basis of the teaching program.
Whilst simple to practice, the Vajrayogini system is a complete system that covers both Generation and Completion stages. Through the practice of Vajrayogini we can make rapid progress on the path to complete enlightenment.
There is a facility charge of $10, with proceeds going to support the temple.
In addition to weekly practice, every second year the Tibetan Buddhist Society holds a three week Vajrayogini retreat. During the retreat we complete the mantra commitments, and the retreat concludes with the traditional fire puja.
If you would like to attend these classes, please register, so that we can send you a Google Meet link to the class.